All posts by Jon Mills

Hadrian’s Wall Pilgrimage – Reception Evening, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery

Research outcomes from the CHT2 Project were presented at a reception evening at the Tulle House Museum and Art Gallery in July 2019 as part of the Hadrian’s Wall Pilgrimage. The pilgrimage, held every ten years, is a 150 year tradition of archaeologists and enthusiasts travelling along Hadrian’s Wall to find out about its latest discoveries. The CHT2 display formed part of a series of posters that promoted past and current research undertaken along Hadrian’s Wall by various departments at Newcastle University. More than 200 attendees viewed the CHT2 interactive visualisation and display.

CHt2 exhibition at STEM Fest at Newcastle University

We were asked to disseminate the CHt2 project at the STEM Fest at Newcastle University ( last Saturday 7th of July. STEM Fest aims to stimulate students’ mind with activities related to engineering and science.

The kids were allowed to visualise 3D landscape models on a tablet and touch the 3D printed model. They also watched the video that explains the CHt2 objectives. It was a great  opportunity to demonstrate to children and parents how the advanced technology can be used for cultural heritage monitoring and conservation.


CHT2 exhibition in Inspired by the “Great Exhibition of the North”

An interactive talk related to CHT2 project will be given on 26th July 2018 as part of the Newcastle University’s Inspired by the “Great Exhibition of the North” programme. It will present various tecyhnologies for capturing 4D observations of cultural heritage sites with an ultimatle goal to highlight how important is to preserve our past.

Presentation of the CHT2 final results at the JPICH International Workshop on Funded Research Projects

On the 28th of May, 2018 Laura Micoli of the Politecnico di Milano unit presented the final results of the CHT2 project during the first day of the JPICH International Workshop on Funded Research Projects hosted at the Venaria Reale in Turin, in the cluster “Re-Thinking Urban Spaces and Landscape as Cultural HeritageAssets”

Programme JPICH International Workshop on Funded Research Projects 28-29 MAY2018

CHT2 project presentation at Florence Heri-tech congress

Sara Gonizzi Barsanti and Laura Micoli of the POLIMI unit presented the results of the CHT2 project at the Florence Heri-tech conference held in Florence from 16th to 18th May 2018.

S. Gonizzi Barsanti, G. Guidi, 2018: A New Methodology for the Structural Analysis of 3D Digitized Cultural Heritage through FEA, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Florence Heri-tech Conference, 16-18 May 2018

L.L. Micoli, S. Gonizzi Barsanti, U. Malik, G. Guidi, 2018: 3D data integration for the digital reconstruction of cultural heritage monumentsIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Florence Heri-tech Conference, 16-18 May 2018


3D printed model for UK archeaological site

Newcastle University is preparing for the “Inspired by the Great Exhibition of the North” to present their result achieved during the CHT2 project.

The 3D model of the Birdoswald site has been produced using airborne laser scanning: to the acquired data a vegetation filtering has been applied to have a clean view of the site, a 3D terrain model was done and then the building have been added separately. The final model was then 3D printed by the Marine offshore & subsea technology lab of the School of Engineering in Newcastle University and will be visible during the exposition.

PhD thesis in Mechanical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano succesfully defended

On January 26th, 2018, Sara Gonizzi Barsanti finalized her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, in the framework of the JPI CHT2 project. The methodology developed aims at optimizing procedures for 3D capturing ancient structures and objects with Computer Vision methods, to obtain 3D models with a level of complexity suitable for simulations with structural analysis. This allows analyzing structures that have been modified in time, whose addition can be more easily identified for their different mechanical properties. Such data, in addition to the reading of the wall surfaces, allows generating information useful for the diachronic evaluation of an object or a structure, finalized to its 4D modeling (3D + time).

English – Italian meeting in Newcastle

Meeting in Newcastle between the Italian and English partner to share experiences and to work on the results of the CHT2 project.

Sara Gonizzi Barsanti from the Politecnico di Milano will stay for 2 weeks at Newcastle university to work on:

(i) making of a video on the English Heritage case studies;
(ii) working on the final Deliverable;
(iii) presentation of a seminar of the work done by the research group of Politecnico;
(iv) creation of a common template for the final expositions that will be held in each partner’s country.