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Hadrian’s Wall Pilgrimage – Reception Evening, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery

Research outcomes from the CHT2 Project were presented at a reception evening at the Tulle House Museum and Art Gallery in July 2019 as part of the Hadrian’s Wall Pilgrimage. The pilgrimage, held every ten years, is a 150 year tradition of archaeologists and enthusiasts travelling along Hadrian’s Wall to find out about its latest discoveries. The CHT2 display formed part of a series of posters that promoted past and current research undertaken along Hadrian’s Wall by various departments at Newcastle University. More than 200 attendees viewed the CHT2 interactive visualisation and display.

CHt2 exhibition at STEM Fest at Newcastle University

We were asked to disseminate the CHt2 project at the STEM Fest at Newcastle University ( last Saturday 7th of July. STEM Fest aims to stimulate students’ mind with activities related to engineering and science.

The kids were allowed to visualise 3D landscape models on a tablet and touch the 3D printed model. They also watched the video that explains the CHt2 objectives. It was a great  opportunity to demonstrate to children and parents how the advanced technology can be used for cultural heritage monitoring and conservation.


CHT2 exhibition in Inspired by the “Great Exhibition of the North”

An interactive talk related to CHT2 project will be given on 26th July 2018 as part of the Newcastle University’s Inspired by the “Great Exhibition of the North” programme. It will present various tecyhnologies for capturing 4D observations of cultural heritage sites with an ultimatle goal to highlight how important is to preserve our past.

Technical guidance “3D Laser Scanning for Heritage” by Historic England

A useful and comprehensive technical guidance document produced by Historic England, provides advice on the use of laser scanning in cultural heritage, archaeology and architecture. It reviews all recent technological advances in laser scanning, integration with other sensors, data acquisition and processing as well as accuracy assessments and validation procedures.

It can be found in:

New members in Newcastle

We are pleased to welcome Maria Valasia Peppa and Lesley Davidson in the CHT2 project.

Maria Valasia Peppa has officially started Karolina’s maternity cover this month. Lesley Davidson has also commenced her IAPETUS PhD programme on Hadrian’s Wall, closely related to the project.

Spanish thesis success

As part of the CHT2 project development, two research studies where presented in the Higher Polytechnic School of Avila during July 2017.

The researcher Belén Jimenez Fernández-Palacios defended her PhD thesis, entitled “Planning, Surveying, Modelling and Visualization Techniques in the Field of Cultural Heritage”. Her thesis reports investigation of documentation, modeling and visualization of architectural heritage by means of geotechnologies that try to gather three critical factors: (i) automation of processes; (ii) generation of dense 3D models of high geometric and radiometric quality and (iii) the use of low-cost devices. This international thesis includes one scientific contribution related with the CHT2 project. In particular, a methodology for standardizing hybrid approaches and visualizing heterogeneous datasets through virtual web platforms focused on 4D analysis is analysed and proposed.

Moreover, the masters student Angel Guerra Campo also collaborated with the CHT2 project in his master thesis entitled “Modeling of Architectural Cultural Heritage Through Time by Inverse Engineering”. In particular, he performed an analysis of the current remains of the Alcázar of Ávila together with the available historical documentation to implement a 3D reconstruction of three main temporal intervals: (i) actual state, (ii) its use as barracks (XVIII century), and (iii) the original citadel (XVI-XVII century).