Category Archives: Meeting

Internal project meetings

English – Italian meeting in Newcastle

Meeting in Newcastle between the Italian and English partner to share experiences and to work on the results of the CHT2 project.

Sara Gonizzi Barsanti from the Politecnico di Milano will stay for 2 weeks at Newcastle university to work on:

(i) making of a video on the English Heritage case studies;
(ii) working on the final Deliverable;
(iii) presentation of a seminar of the work done by the research group of Politecnico;
(iv) creation of a common template for the final expositions that will be held in each partner’s country.

CHT2 Final meeting

A final joint meeting was held  17th January 2018 at USAL of Avila, Spain. Each partner’s commitments were reviewed during this meeting. Examples of 4D products, visualised online through various web-gis platforms, were also presented (  Dissemination activities for exhibition materials were finalised.  Especially for the CHT2 UK case study an exhibition will be performed as part of the Great Exhibition of the North during summer 2018 (


CHT2 UK team meeting

Today a progress meeting for the CHT2 project with representative of Historic England (HE), Paul Bryan, was held at Newcastle University. Jon Mills, Maria V. Peppa and Lesley Davidson from School of Engineering, together with Ian Haynes, Sam Turner and Alex Turner from School of History, Classics and Archaeology were also present.

Up-to-date results of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) with archival imagery over the Hadrian’s Wall study site of Corbridge were presented. Proposed ideas on disseminating the CHT2 project outcomes for the final months were of particular focus during the meeting.

A technical document “Photogrammetric Applications for Cultural Heritage”, which provides guidance on recording cultural heritage with SfM, relevant to the CHT2 project methodology, can be downloaded from the HE website at: .


Spanish-Italian meeting in Milan

During October a meeting between the Italian and Spanish partners took place at Politecnico di Milano to share experiences and results regarding the completion of their case studies. Several research lines and transfer of technology were discussed, being the critical issues:
(i) different alternatives of image-based modeling and multi-data fusion procedures;
(ii) mesh simplification and optimization to improve the results exportation, either for visualization or analysis purposes, as the stability of the CH asset;
(iii) reverse modeling techniques to give an added value to the final diachronic 3D models, taking into account object’s complexity and non-parametric modeling limitations;
(iv) the current state of advancement of the project deliverables.

CHT2 at 3D-Arch 2017 conference

As well as organising a project meeting at 3d-Arch, the CHT2 project was also well represented in the technical programme. The conference, which took place in Nafplio, Greece, from 1st to 3rd March included an oral presentation by the USAL unit on the CHT2 methodology. The POLIMI (below) and NCL groups also presented poster presentations on their case studies. Papers are available in the Resources section of the website.

Third CHT2 Meeting

The CHT2 project has met today in Nafplio (Greece), in the framework of the 3DARC conference (, for a midterm update about the various activities at M18.

The whole Description Of Work (DOW) of the project was reviewed and discussed by all the partners, defining strategies for respecting the various commitments despite the administrative difficulties met, not depending on the partners will.

The actual individual at the meeting were: Jon Mills from Newcastle University (NCL); Diego Gonzàles Aguilera and Pablo Rodríguez Gonzálvez from University of Salamanca (USAL); Slawomir Mikrut form Scientific Stanisław Staszic Association (SSSA); Gabriele Guidi and Sara Gonizzi Barsanti from Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI).

CHT2 UK meeting with stakeholders, English Heritage and Historic England

Members of the CHT2 UK team today met with representatives of English Heritage and Historic England, Mark Douglas and Paul Bryan, at Newcastle University. The purpose of the meeting was to update the stakeholders on progress made at the three Hadrian’s Wall study sites:  Beckfoot, Birdoswald and Corbridge. Of particular interest to all were the results at Corbridge, and it was agreed to focus further on this site, acquiring further data from the English Heritage Archives in Swindon. The team also thanked Karolina Fieber for her hard work as she prepares to leave the CHT2 project to have a baby in April – thanks, Karolina, and all best wishes for the future from everyone involved in CHT2!

CHT2 Spain meeting with Ávila Town Hall

Mrs Rosa Entrecanales, responsible for the Heritage Area in Ávila Town Hall, welcomed us. The Town Hall, in charge of approving and awarding licences to undertake work in heritage buildings, through its representative advised us in reference to the location of historical information, particularly technical plans. This information included the citadel plans located in the General Archive of Simancas, dated to the XVIII century, where ancient buildings and structures, as the alhóndiga (cereal warehouse and selling point) or the barbican appear. Here we have one of the main challenges of this project, which is how to merge historical and current graphic sources.

Second CHT2 Meeting

The CHT2 project has met today in Prague, in the framework of the ISPRS world conference (, for a semestral update about the various activities.
WP2 has been concluded with the production of a methodology that covers all the 4D cases considered in the framework of this project. Either the analysis on time-varying data collected by 3D technologies (e.g. photogrammetry, laser scanning) or data collected by historical documents are considered.

The work is now proceeding with its operating activities about data collection on the 4 different historical sites considered: The walls of Avila (Spain), The Cracow fortress (Poland), The Adrian Wall (UK) and the Roman circus of Milan (Italy).

The actual individual at the meeting were: Jon Mills and Karolina Fieber from Newcastle University (NCL); Diego Gonzàles Aguilera and Pablo Rodríguez Gonzálvez from University of Salamanca (USAL); Beata Hejmanowska form Scientific Stanisław Staszic Association (SSSA); Gabriele Guidi and Sara Gonizzi Barsanti from Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI).