Category Archives: 3D digitization

All the activities related to laser scanning, photogrammetry, GPS and other survey possible methods applied to capture the 3D shape and position of a Cultural Heritage artifact involved in CHT2

CHT2 project presentation at Florence Heri-tech congress

Sara Gonizzi Barsanti and Laura Micoli of the POLIMI unit presented the results of the CHT2 project at the Florence Heri-tech conference held in Florence from 16th to 18th May 2018.

S. Gonizzi Barsanti, G. Guidi, 2018: A New Methodology for the Structural Analysis of 3D Digitized Cultural Heritage through FEA, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Florence Heri-tech Conference, 16-18 May 2018

L.L. Micoli, S. Gonizzi Barsanti, U. Malik, G. Guidi, 2018: 3D data integration for the digital reconstruction of cultural heritage monumentsIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Florence Heri-tech Conference, 16-18 May 2018


3D printed model for UK archeaological site

Newcastle University is preparing for the “Inspired by the Great Exhibition of the North” to present their result achieved during the CHT2 project.

The 3D model of the Birdoswald site has been produced using airborne laser scanning: to the acquired data a vegetation filtering has been applied to have a clean view of the site, a 3D terrain model was done and then the building have been added separately. The final model was then 3D printed by the Marine offshore & subsea technology lab of the School of Engineering in Newcastle University and will be visible during the exposition.

PhD thesis in Mechanical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano succesfully defended

On January 26th, 2018, Sara Gonizzi Barsanti finalized her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, in the framework of the JPI CHT2 project. The methodology developed aims at optimizing procedures for 3D capturing ancient structures and objects with Computer Vision methods, to obtain 3D models with a level of complexity suitable for simulations with structural analysis. This allows analyzing structures that have been modified in time, whose addition can be more easily identified for their different mechanical properties. Such data, in addition to the reading of the wall surfaces, allows generating information useful for the diachronic evaluation of an object or a structure, finalized to its 4D modeling (3D + time).

CHT2 Final meeting

A final joint meeting was held  17th January 2018 at USAL of Avila, Spain. Each partner’s commitments were reviewed during this meeting. Examples of 4D products, visualised online through various web-gis platforms, were also presented (  Dissemination activities for exhibition materials were finalised.  Especially for the CHT2 UK case study an exhibition will be performed as part of the Great Exhibition of the North during summer 2018 (


Spanish-Italian meeting in Milan

During October a meeting between the Italian and Spanish partners took place at Politecnico di Milano to share experiences and results regarding the completion of their case studies. Several research lines and transfer of technology were discussed, being the critical issues:
(i) different alternatives of image-based modeling and multi-data fusion procedures;
(ii) mesh simplification and optimization to improve the results exportation, either for visualization or analysis purposes, as the stability of the CH asset;
(iii) reverse modeling techniques to give an added value to the final diachronic 3D models, taking into account object’s complexity and non-parametric modeling limitations;
(iv) the current state of advancement of the project deliverables.

New publication available in Geosciences

The Italian partner has published findings on the Milan Roman Circus reconstruction in a special issue of Geosciences journal on “Remote sensing and geosciences for archaeology”. Entitled “Accurate Reconstruction of the Roman Circus in Milan by Georeferencing Heterogeneous Data Sources with GIS”, the paper can be viewed directly in Geosciences.

New funding for CHT2 UK case study

Newcastle University has been successful in securing additional funding to continue the CHT2 UK case study on Hadrian’s Wall. Approximately £75k of funding has been secured from the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Iapetus Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) in partnership with English Heritage and Historic England. The PhD, entitled “Assessing and predicting natural environmental impacts on cultural heritage landscapes: a case study on Hadrian’s Wall” will commence in September 2017 and run for 3.5 years. The new research programme will overlap with the closing stages of the current JPI-CH project, funded in the UK by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), building on the legacy of CHT2. The overall aim of the new programme is to assess the vulnerability of tangible cultural heritage to natural hazards under a changing climate regime, demonstrating this on an iconic monument of international renown.